
Thursday, February 9, 2012


Great movie showing auroras

ARRL Worked All States CW & QRP

Just checked into my LOTW and I found that the ARRL has finally approved my WAS application. I should have the certificate in the mail.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

50 States CW on LOTW

WY - AA5XJ finally uploaded his log for the 50th state in LOTW.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

SKCC Worked All States

I got the email from Urb Lajeune, the awards administrator for SKCC Worked All States and notified me that I was awarded the Worked All States Certificate #192

Evening with Stan and His Friends on the Air

I was over Stan's house working on mu KX1. Stan is an experienced builder and I did not want to mess up on removing some components on the KX1 to install the 8030 module. So there I was looking over Stan's shoulders as he removed the specified components one by one. Nancy fixed up some delicious Goulash and cornbread. The rest of the evening was spent talking to and listening to Stan's friends on 3718 KHz on the 75m band.