I had been monitoring the cluster for J52HF. He only operates in his spare time and sometimes for just a few hours a day. There were days when I missed him for about 30 minutes after he had gone QRT. I got lucky on the 28th as he gave 15m a second try and I was sitting by the rig when he started calling CQ. Only a few callers later and he QSYd to 10m. He was too faint on 10m to copy. I heard him for a few minutes but before I got the band tuned on the amplifier - he was gone,
Fighting the pileups on Mount Athos was something fierce. Monk Apollo is a good CW operator and he made a lot of QSOs. Bernie W3UR gave us a heads up that he would be operating for a couple of days. I finally made it into the pileup on the last day, WM4AA and I were texting each.

other the whole time.