Romania YO3APJ and Cyprus P3X confirmed in LOTW. PJ4X and D4C also confirmed in LOTW. Now 73 confirmed in LOTW. The QSL Pipeline is as follows:
HA8RM received 3/15
HL5IVL received 3/15
VO2NS (for Zone 2) received 3/15
Feb 14-15, 2017
Worked 2 new ones OG1X Finland and FM/UT5UGR Martinique. OA4TT confirmed in LOTW and the card from CT9/DK7YY came
Feb 13, 2017
Worked OA4TT early in the morning - band noise really low but no one on. worked HR5 last night and confirmed in LOTW.
Feb 12, 2017
PACC contest was on and I needed PA for 160m DXCC - so I worked a whole bunch just to make sure I had one. FM5BH was there again, get a pileup and runs off. I worked AK early in the morning on JT65 for #77. KL7J just confirmed me in LOTW.
Feb 11, 2017
G3PQA England confirmed for #58 via card, IQ9UI Italy confirmed for #59 via card.
Feb 10, 2017
SV3RF Greece confirmed in LOTW #57. Band has been pretty dead of late and only regional contacts on JT65. The only contacts made last night were UR0MC into the Ukraine, VO1HP into Newfoundland, and Alex HC2AO into Ecuador.
Feb 09, 2017
Belarus EU4A and Dodecanese SV5DKL confirmed in LOTW for #55 and #56. JY9FC worked after a small window of propagation opened.
Feb 08, 2017
Was on JT65 for the first time in 2017. New ones were on the waterfall like CO, OX, but I was asleep. I did work KU4XO Matt who saw me calling CQ. S9+ static crashes on the TX antenna. Still high on the RX antenna. No new ones today
Feb 07, 2017
No new ones today - TL8TT had a pretty good signal but could not bust the EU wall. I did work Alex HC2AO who I have not worked since 2015
#54 VK3IO confirmed in LOTW
Feb 06, 2017
Only new one today is Malta 9H3WHX - worked him twice - but weak copy - WFWL. K7BG Montana has confirmed in LOTW on 160m - giving me 48/50 states. Only missing NE and AK. I tried to work ZC4A on 80m for an ATNO but no luck - only 1 day to go on that DXpedition. Band died after the Super Bowl finished and has not woken up yet. No signals from Asia. NA skimmers only hearing AA1K, K2AV and other US stations.
Feb 05, 2017
Only new one so far just before midnight is P3X Cyprus. Tried to work an FM5 - no luck there. Then EY8MM Nodir from Tajikistan started calling CQ on 19.5 and built up a pileup real quick - no luck there either. Will take a break and do some work for work (real work - this is just a hobby). After the break, I came back into the shack to work TA3D and 4X4NJ. They were loud but can't hear. A bit later propagation improved and I was able to work both TA3D and SV5DKL. In the morning VY2ZM, HI8A W0VTT (Zone 3), K3RS (Zone5) and ZF9CW (needed for 160m DX Marathon).
#53 LX7I has confirmed in LOTW
Feb 04, 2017
Worked 5 new ones today - OZ100DVI - Denmark, EU3A Belarus, UK9AA Uzbekistan and in the morning grey line HL5IVL South Korea. Then later around 4:45 UTC SV3RF Greece. OA4TT was loud and workable, had a pileup but could not get through. OA4TT faded as plenty of sun in Peru by 1100 - Jack replied to me on the top band reflector that he was only working JA's and ignoring W's. Maybe tomorrow
Joe-san JA1LZR was loud and workable - and I was able to work him. He and I exchanged pleasantries on the top band reflector. Nice opening to Japan as I was also able to work JH1HDT. I can hear JA8ISU real well 569 579 but he could not hear me - one way propagation to his QTH. JA7QVI was a different story - was able to work him as he was the loudest I heard this morning.
#51 DJ8QP confirmed LOTW
#52 JA7QVI confirmed in LOTW
Feb 03, 2017
Large pileup on TL8TT - an Iralian DXpedition to Central African Republic. The Op working was very good in copying callers. Unfortunately I could not get through. They will be there until the 14th of February. I worked ZF9CW with 75 watts - he was really strong. Alaska was seen on JT65. JAs heard in the morning was only JA1LZR amd was perhaps 339.
#48 S01WS confirmed LOTW
#49 7Z1SJ confirmed LOTW
#50 EI4KF card arrived
HA8RM card sent
Feb 02, 2017
Finally a QSO with Hungary - Peter HA8RM. Good conditions into Eastern Europe at 4:30 UTC. I heard Peru OA4TT in the morning copiable for a bit then faded
Jan 30, 2017
Conditions tonight are pretty good with low local QRN and just worked F6ARC for grins. Also tested the RBN to see how my signal is reported by various skimmers.
Conditions tonight are pretty good with low local QRN and just worked F6ARC for grins. Also tested the RBN to see how my signal is reported by various skimmers.
Received a couple of topband QSL cards in the mail which was a good surprise:
V26M - Antigua and GW3YDX - Wales, This brings total confirmed in cards and LOTW to 47. Also the western states of NV and WA confirmed in LOTW bringing my state total to 47. MT was also worked but tat confirmation is pending. That would bring my state total to 48
The following have either card or LOTW confirmations pending