Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hex beam Project - Lessons Learned

The hexbeam performed better than expected with SWR flat and below 1.5 on all bands. The push up mast is hitch mounted. There will be detailed instructions which I will post later. The design is based on the G3TQX design per Leo Shoemakers instructions. I came up with a unique base plate design which speeds up installation and takedown. The lessons learned are as follows:

1) the hitch mount should be mounted as close to the tailgate to allow assembly while mounted on the mast.

2) The stub connected to the rotator must be as short as possible.

3) The electrical connections must be checked before raising the push up mast and antenna assembly.

4) North position must be set on the rotator before raising the mast.

5) The connection to the flanges must be snug.

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